Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Environmental Pollution, Problems and Control Measures Essay

A. Introduction and definition of environmental pollution – We know that, a living organism cannot live by itself. Organisms interact among themselves. Hence, all organisms, such as plants, animals and human beings, as well as the physical surroundings with whom we interact, form a part of our environment. All these constituents of the environment are dependent upon each other. Thus, they maintain a balance in nature. As we are the only organisms try to modify the environment to fulfill our needs; it is our responsibility to take necessary steps to control the environmental imbalances. The environmental imbalance gives rise to various environmental problems. Some of the environmental problems are pollution, soil erosion leading to floods, salt deserts and sea recedes, desertification, landslides, change of river directions, extinction of species, and vulnerable ecosystem in place of more complex and stable ecosystems, depletion of natural resources, waste accumulation, defores tation, thinning of ozone layer and global warming. The environmental problems are visualized in terms of pollution, growth in population, development, industrialization, unplanned urbanization etc. Rapid migration and increase in population in the urban areas has also lead to traffic congestion, water shortages, solid waste, and air, water and noise pollution are common noticeable problems in almost all the urban areas since last few years. Environmental pollution is defined as the undesirable change in physical, chemical and biological characteristics of our air, land and water. As a result of over-population, rapid industrializations, and other human activities like agriculture and deforestation etc., earth became loaded with diverse pollutants that were released as by-products. Pollutants are generally grouped under two classes: (a) Biodegradable pollutants – Biodegradable pollutants are broken down by the activity of micro-organisms and enter into the biogeochemical cycles. Examples of such pollutants are domestic waste pr oducts, urine and faucal matter, sewage, agricultural residue, paper, wood and cloth etc. (b) Non- Biodegradable pollutants – Non-biodegradable pollutants are stronger chemical bondage, do not break down into simpler and harmless products. These include various insecticides and other pesticides, mercury, lead, arsenic, aluminum, plastics, radioactive waste etc. B. Classification of Environmental Pollution – Pollution can be broadly classified according to  the components of environment that are polluted. Major of these are: Air pollution, Water pollution, Soil pollution (land degradation) and Noise pollution. Details of these types of pollutions are discussed below with their prevention measures. (1) Air Pollution: Air is mainly a mixture of various gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen. These are present in a particular ratio. Whenever there is any imbalance in the ratio of these gases, air pollution is caused. The sources of air pollution can be grouped as under (i) Natural; such as, forest fires, ash from smoking volcanoes, dust storm and decay of organic matters. (ii) Man-made due to population explosion, deforestation, urbanization and industrializations. Certain activities of human beings release several pollutants in air, such as carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2), hydrocarbons (HC), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), lead, arsenic, asbestos, radioactive matter, and dust. The major threat comes from burning of fossil fuels, such as coal and petroleum products. Thermal power plants, automobiles and industries are major sources of air pollution as well. Due to progress in atomic energy sector, there has been an increase in radioactivity in the atmosphere. Mining activity adds to air pollution in the form of particulate matter. Progress in agriculture due to use of fertilizers and pesticides has also contributed towards air pollution. Indiscriminate cutting of trees and clearing of forests has led to increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in atmosphere. Global warming is a consequence of green house effect caused by increased level of carbon dioxide (CO2). Ozone (O3) depletion has resulted in UV radiation striking our earth. Harmful Effects of air pollution – (a) It affects respiratory system of living organisms and causes bronchitis, asthma, lung cancer, pneumonia etc. Carbon monoxide (CO) emitted from motor vehicles and cigarette smoke affects the central nervous system. (b) Due to depletion of ozone layer, UV radiation reaches the earth. UV radiation causes skin cancer, damage to eyes and immune system. (c) Acid rain is also a result of air pollution. This is caused by presence of oxides of nitrogen and sulfur in the air. These oxides dissolve in rain water to form nitric acid and sulfuric acid respectively. Various monuments, buildings, and statues are damaged due to corrosion by acid present in the rain. The soil also becomes acidic. The cumulative effect is the gradual degradation of soil and a decline in forest and agricultural productivity. (d) The green house gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) trap the heat radiated from earth. This leads to an increase in earth’s temperature. (e) Some toxic metals and pesticides also cause air pollution. [For more refer Industrial Dust, Air Pollution and Related Occupational Diseases ] (2) Water Pollution: Water is one of the prime necessities of life. With increasing number of people depend on this resource; water has become a scarce commodity. Pollution makes even the limited available water unfit for use. Water is said to be polluted when there is any physical, biological or chemical change in water quality that adversely affects living organisms or makes water unsuitable for use. Sources of water pollution are mainly factories, power plants, coal mines and oil wells situated either close to water source or away from sources. They discharge pollutants directly or indirectly into the water sources like river, lakes, water streams etc. The harmful effects of water pollution are: (a) Human beings become victims of various water borne diseases, such as typhoid, cholera, dysentery, hepatitis, jaundice, etc. (b) The presence of acids/alkalies in water destroys the microorganisms, thereby hindering the self-purification process in the rivers or water bodies. Agriculture is affected badly due to polluted  water. Marine eco-systems are affected adversely. (c) The sewage waste promotes growth of phytoplankton in water bodies; causing reduction of dissolved oxygen. (d) Poisonous industrial wastes present in water bodies affect the fish population and deprives us of one of our sources of food. It also kills other animals living in fresh water. (e) The quality of underground water is also affected due to toxicity and pollutant content of surface water. (2.1) Water pollution by industries and its effects – A change in the chemical, physical, biological, and radiological quality of water that is injurious to its uses. The term â€Å"water pollution† generally refers to human-induced changes to water quality. Thus, the discharge of toxic chemicals from industries or the release of human or livestock waste into a nearby water body is considered pollution. The contamination of ground water of water bodies like rivers, lakes, wetlands, estuaries, and oceans can threaten the health of humans and aquatic life. Sources of water pollution may be divided into two categories. (i) Point-source pollution, in which contaminants are discharged from a discrete location. Sewage outfalls and oil spills are examples of point-source pollution. (ii) Non-point-source or diffuse pollution, referring to all of the other discharges that deliver contaminants to water bodies. Acid rain and unconfined runoff from agricultural or urban areas falls under this category. The principal contaminants of water include toxic chemicals, nutrients, biodegradable organics, and bacterial & viral pathogens. Water pollution can affect human health when pollutants enter the body either via skin exposure or through the direct consumption of contaminated drinking water and contaminated food. Prime pollutants, including DDT and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), persist in the natural environment and bioaccumulation occurs in the tissues of aquatic organisms. These prolonged and persistent organic pollutants are transferred up the food chain and they can reach levels of concern in fish species that are eaten by humans. Moreover, bacteria and viral pathogens can pose a public health risk for those who drink contaminated water or eat raw shellfish from polluted water bodies. Contaminants have a significant impact on aquatic ecosystems. Enrichment of water bodies with nutrients (principally nitrogen and phosphorus) can result in the growth of algae and other aquatic plants that shade or clog streams. If wastewater containing biodegradable organic matter is discharged into a stream with inadequate  dissolved oxygen, the water downstream of the point of discharge will become anaerobic and will be turbid and dark. Settleable solids will be deposited on the streambed, and anaerobic decomposition will occur. Over the reach of stream where the dissolved-oxygen concentration is zero, a zone of putrefaction will occur with the production of hydrogen sulfide (H2S), ammonia (NH3), and other odorous gases. Because many fish species require a minimum of 4–5 mg of dissolved oxygen per liter of water, they will be unable to survive in this portion of the stream. Direct exposures to toxic chemicals are also a health concern for individual aquatic plants and animals. Chemicals such as pesticides are frequently transported to lakes and rivers via runoff, and they can have harmful effects on aquatic life. Toxic chemicals have been shown to reduce the growth, survival, reproductive output, and disease resistance of exposed organisms. These effects can have important consequences for the viability of aquatic populations and communities. Wastewater discharges are most commonly controlled through effluent standards and discharge permits. Under this system, discharge permits are issued with limits on the quantity and quality of effluents. Water-quality standards are sets of qualitative and quantitative criteria designed to maintain or enhance the quality of receiving waters. Criteria can be developed and implemented to protect aquatic life against acute and chronic effects and to safeguard humans against deleterious health effects, including cancer. [ For more refer ‘Water Conservation – Need-of-the-day for our very survival’ ] (3) Soil pollution (Land degradation): Land pollution is due to (i) Deforestation and (ii) Dumping of solid wastes. Deforestation increases soil erosion; thus valuable agricultural land is lost. Solid wastes from household and industries also pollute land and enhance land degradation. Solid wastes include things from household waste and of industrial wastes. They include ash, glass, peelings of fruit and vegetables, paper, clothes, plastics, rubber, leather, brick, sand, metal, waste from cattle shed, night soil and cow dung. Chemicals discharged into air, such as compounds of sulfur and lead, eventually come to soil and pollute it. The heaps of solid waste destroy the natural beauty and surroundings become dirty. Pigs, dogs, rats, flies, mosquitoes visit the  dumped waste and foul smell comes from the waste. The waste may block the flow of water in the drain, which then becomes the breeding place for mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are carriers of parasites of malaria and dengue. Consumption of polluted water causes many diseases, such as cholera, diarrhea and dysentery. [ For more refer Solid Waste Disposal -A Burning Problem To Be Resolved To Save Environment ] (4) Noise pollution : High level noise is a disturbance to the human environment. Because of urbanization, noise in all areas in a city has increased considerably. One of the most pervasive sources of noise in our environment today is those associated with transportation. People reside adjacent to highways, are subjected to high level of noise produced by trucks and vehicles pass on the highways. Prolonged exposure to high level of noise is very much harmful to the health of mankind. In industry and in mines the main sources of noise pollution are blasting, movement of heavy earth moving machines, drilling, crusher and coal handling plants etc. The critical value for the development of hearing problems is at 80 decibels. Chronic exposure to noise may cause noise-induced hearing loss. High noise levels can contribute to cardiovascular effects. Moreover, noise can be a causal factor in workplace accidents. C. Fundamentals of prevention and control of air pollution: As mentioned above, air pollutants can be gaseous or particulate matters. Different techniques for controlling these pollutants are discussed below: a. Methods of controlling gaseous pollutants – 1. Combustion – This technique is used when the pollutants are in the form of organic gases or vapors. During flame combustion or catalytic process, these organic pollutants are converted into water vapor and relatively less harmful products, such as CO2. 2. Absorption – In this technique, the gaseous effluents are passed through scrubbers or absorbers. These contain a suitable liquid absorbent, which removes or modifies one or more of the pollutants present in the gaseous effluents. 3. Adsorption – The gaseous effluents are passed through porous solid adsorbents kept in suitable containers. The organic and inorganic constituents of the effluent gases are trapped at the interface of the solid adsorbent by physical adsorbent. b. Methods to control particulate emissions – 1. Mechanical devices generally work on the basis of the following: (i) Gravity: In this process, the particles settle down by gravitational force. (ii) Sudden change in direction of the gas flow. This causes the particles to separate out due to greater momentum. 2. Fabric Filters: The gases containing dust are passed through a porous medium. These porous media may be woven or filled fabrics. The particles present in the gas are trapped and collected in the filters. The gases freed from the particles are discharged. 3. Wet Scrubbers: Wet scrubbers are used in chemical, mining and metallurgical industries to trap SO2, NH3, metal fumes, etc. 4. Electrostatic Precipitators: When a gas or an air stream containing aerosols in the form of dust, fumes or mist, is passed between two electrodes, then, the aerosol particles get precipitated on the electrode. c. Other practices in controlling air pollution -Apart from the above, following practices also help in controlling air pollution. (i) Use of better designed equipment and smokeless fuels, hearths in industries and at home. (ii) Automobiles should be properly maintained and adhere to recent emission-control standards. (iii) More trees should be planted along road side and houses. (iv) Renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar energy, ocean currents, should fulfill energy needs. (v) Tall chimneys should be installed for vertical dispersion of pollutants. d. General air pollution control devices / equipments for industries – The commonly used equipments / process for control of dust in various industries are (a) Mechanical dust collectors in the form of dust cyclones; (b) Electrostatic precipitators – both dry and wet system; (c) particulate scrubbers; (d) Water sprayer at dust generation points; (e) proper ventilation system and (f) various monitoring devices to know the concentration of dust in general body of air. The common equipments / process used for control of toxic / flue gases are the (a) process of desulphurisation; (b) process of denitrification; (c) Gas conditioning etc. and (d) various monitoring devices to know the efficacy of the systems used. e. Steps, in general, to be taken for reduction of air pollution – To change our behavior in order to reduce AIR POLLUTION at home as well as on the road, few following small steps taken by us would lead to clean our Environment. At Home: 1. Avoid using chemical pesticides or fertilizers in your yard and garden. Many fertilizers are a source of nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. Try organic products instead. 2. Compost your yard waste instead of burning it. Outdoor burning is not advisable, as it pollutes air. Breathing this smoke is bad for you, your family and your neighbors. Plus, you can use the compost in your garden. 3. If you use a wood stove or fireplace to heat your home, it would be better to consider switching to another form of heat which does not generate smoke. It is always better to use sweater or warm clothing than using fireplace. 4. Be energy efficient. Most traditional sources of energy burn fossil fuels, causing air pollution. Keep your home well-maintained with weather-stripping, storm windows, and insulation. Lowering your thermostat can also help – and for every two degrees Fahrenheit you lower it, you save about two percent on your heating bill. 5. Plant trees and encourage other to plant trees as well. Trees absorb and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and filter out air pollution. During warmer days, trees provide cool air, unnecessary use of energy on air conditioning is avoided, hence the air pollution. 6. Try to stop smoking; at home, at office or at outside. Tobacco smoking not only deteriorates self’s health, it affects others health too. On the Road: 7. Keep your vehicle well maintained. A poorly maintained engine both creates more air pollution and uses more fuel. Replace oil and air filters regularly, and keep your tires properly inflated. 8. Drive less. Walking, bicycling, riding the bus, or working from home can save you money as well as reducing air pollution. 9. Don’t idle your vehicle. If you stop for more than 30 seconds, except in traffic, turn off your engine. 10. Don’t buy more car than you need. Four-wheel drive, all-wheel drive, engine size, vehicle weight, and tire size all affect the amount of fuel your vehicle uses. The more fuel it uses the more air pollution it causes. D. Water pollution prevention and control: Water is a key resource for our quality of life. It also provides natural habitats and eco-systems for plant and animal species. Access to clean water for drinking and sanitary purposes is a precondition for human health and well-being. Clean unpolluted water is essential for our ecosystems. Plants  and animals in lakes, rivers and seas react to changes in their environment caused by changes in chemical water quality and physical disturbance of their habitat. Water pollution is a human-induced change in the chemical, physical, biological, and radiological quality of water that is injurious to its existing, intended, or potential uses such as boating, waterskiing, swimming, the consumption of fish, and the health of aquatic organisms and ecosystems. Thus, the discharge of toxic chemicals from a pipe or the release of livestock waste into a nearby water body is considered pollution. The contamination of ground water, rivers, lakes, wetlands, estuaries, and oceans can threaten the hea lth of humans and aquatic life. Contaminants have a significant impact on aquatic ecosystems. for example, enrichment of water bodies with nutrients (principally nitrogen and phosphorus) can result in the growth of algae and other aquatic plants that shade or clog streams. Direct exposures to toxic chemicals such as pesticides, is also a health concern for individual aquatic plants and animals. Without healthy water for drinking, cooking, fishing, and farming, the human race would perish. Clean water is also necessary for recreational interests such as swimming, boating, and water skiing. a. Sources of Water Pollution – Sources of water pollution are generally divided into two categories. The first is point-source pollution, in which contaminants are discharged from a discrete location. Sewage outfalls and oil spills are examples of point-source pollution. The second category is non-point-source or diffuses pollution, referring to all of the other discharges that deliver contaminants to water bodies. Numerous manufacturing plants pour off undiluted corrosives, poisons, and other noxious byproducts to water streams. The construction industry discharges slurries of gypsum, cement, abrasives, metals, and poisonous solvents. The mining industry also presents persistent water pollution problems. In yet another instance of pollution, hot water discharged by factories and power plants causes so-called ‘thermal pollution’ by increasing water temperatures. Such increases change the level of oxygen dissolved in a body of water, thereby disrupting the water’s ecological balance, killing off some plant and animal species while encouraging the overgrowth of oth ers. Towns and municipalities are also major sources of water pollution. In many public water systems, pollution exceeds safe levels. One reason for this is that much groundwater has been  contaminated by wastes pumped underground for disposal or by seepage from surface water. When contamination reaches underground water tables, it is difficult to correct and spreads over wide areas. Discharge of untreated or only partially treated sewage into the waterways threatens the health of their own and neighboring populations as well. Along with domestic wastes, sewage carries industrial contaminants and a growing tonnage of paper and plastic refuse. Although thorough sewage treatment would destroy most disease-causing bacteria, the problem of the spread of viruses and viral illness remains. Additionally, most sewage treatment does not remove phosphorus compounds, contributed principally by detergents. b. Dangers of Water Pollution – Virtually all water pollutants are hazardous to humans as well as lesser species; sodium is implicated in cardiovascular disease, nitrates in blood disorders. Mercury and lead can cause nervous disorders. Some contaminants are carcinogens. DDT is toxic to humans and can alter chromosomes. Along many shores, shellfish can no longer be taken because of contamination by DDT, sewage, or industrial wastes. c. Prevention and Control of Water Pollution – Sewage should be treated before it is discharged into the river or ocean. This is possible through modern techniques. Sewage is first passed through a grinding mechanism. This is then passed through several settling chambers and neutralized with lime. Up to this stage, the process is called primary treatment. The sewage still contains a large number of pathogenic and non-pathogenic or ganisms, and also sufficient quantity of organic matter. The neutralized effluents are sent to UASB (up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket). It is a reactor. In this, the anaerobic bacteria degrade the biodegradable material present in the waste water. This removes foul odor and releases methane, which can be used elsewhere. In this system, the pollution load is reduced upto 85 percent. After this, water is sent to aeration tanks where it is mixed with air and bacteria. Bacteria digest the organic waste material. This is called biological or secondary treatment. Even after the treatment, water is not yet fit for drinking. The harmful microorganisms need to be killed. The final step (tertiary treatment) is, therefore, a disinfection process, to remove final traces of organics, bacteria, dissolved inorganic solids, etc. For tertiary treatment, methods, such as chlorination, evaporation, and exchange absorption may be employed. These depend upon the required quality  of the final treatment. Apart from the above, you should also adopt the following practices: (i) Waste food material, paper, decaying vegetables and plastics should not be thrown into open drains. (ii) Effluents from distilleries, and solid wastes containing organic matter should be sent to biogas plants for generation of energy. (iii) Oil slicks should be skimmed off from the surface with suction device. Sawdust may be spread over oil slicks to absorb the oil components. E. Soil erosion and its prevention: Soil erosion by water, wind and tillage affects both agriculture and the natural environment. Soil loss, and its associated impacts, is one of the most important (yet probably the least well-known) of today’s environmental problems. It is mostly due to poor land use practices, which include deforestation, overgrazing, unmanaged construction activity and road or trail building. Soil is a complex mixture of living and non-living mater ials. It provides anchorage and sustenance to plants. Natural agents like water and wind, constantly tend to remove the top soil and cause erosion. Rain falling upon the unprotected top soil, washes it down into the streams. Due to the absence of plant covering, eroded soil cannot hold water. Water rushes into the rivers and overflows as flood. Dust storm also causes soil erosion. The particles of top soil are picked up in such quantities that they form clouds of dust. Human beings also cause soil erosion. The growing human habitation and expansion of urban areas lead to removal of vegetation. Once vegetation is removed, the naked soil gets exposed to wind and water. Improper tillage is another cause of soil erosion. Farmers often loosen the top soil for removing weeds and preparing seed beds. They also leave agricultural fields lying fallow for long time. These practices expose the top soil to the wind and cause erosion. Soil erosion is always a result of mankind’s unwise actions, such as overgrazing or unsuitable cultivation practices. These leave the land unprotected and vulnerable. Accelerated soil erosion by water or wind may affect both agricultural areas and the natural environment, and is one of the most widespread of today’s environmental problems. Soil erosion is just one form of soil degradation. Other kinds of soil degradation include salinisation, nutrient loss, and compaction. Prevention of soil erosion – Plants provide protective cover on the land and prevent soil erosion for the reasons: (a) plants slow down water as it flows over the land (runoff) and this allows  much of the rain to soak into the ground; (b) plant roots hold the soil in position and prevent it from being washed away; (c) plants break the impact of a raindrop before it hits the soil, thus reducing its ability to erode; (d) plants in wetlands and on the banks of rivers are of particular importance as they slow down the flow of the water and their roots bind the soil, thus preventing erosion. Preventing soil erosion requires technical changes to adopt. Aspects of technical changes include: (i) use of contour ploughing and wind breaks; (ii) leaving unploughed grass strips between ploughed land;  (iii) making sure that there are always plants growing on the soil, and that the soil is rich in humus (decaying plant and animal remains). This organic matter is the â€Å"glue† that binds the soil particles together and plays an important part in preventing erosion; (iv) avoiding overgrazing and the over-use of crop lands; (v) allowing indigenous plants to grow along the river banks instead of ploughing and planting crops right up to the water’s edge; (vi) encouraging biological diversity by planting several different types of plants together; (vii) conservation of wetlands. We can check soil erosion by adopting the following additional practices: 1. Intensive cropping and use of proper drainage canals. 2. Terracing on the sloping fields. This retards the speed of the flowing water. 3. Planting trees and sowing grasses. 4. Extensive aforestation practices to be carried out. [ For more refer Soil Erosion Combating is Essential ] F. Mitigation of Noise pollution: Reducing noise pollution by muffling the sounds at the source is one of the best methods in industry and for urban living. Protective equipment is generally mandatory when noise levels exceed 85 dB(A) in industry. Creation of green cover adjacent to municipal roads and in mines is the way to mitigate noise pollution. It has been observed that noise level reduces by 10 decibels per every 10m wide green belt development. Apart, redesigning industrial equipment, shock mounting assemblies and physical barriers in the workplace are also for reduction and  exposure of unwanted industrial noise. High way noise pollution can be mitigated by constructing noise barriers. Artificial noise barriers are solid obstructions built between the highway and the residential areas along a highway. They block major portion of noise produced by passing vehicles on a highway. Effective noise barriers typically reduce noise levels by as much as half or more. The construction of noise barrier may be built in the form of earth mounds, vertical wall along the highways for creation of blockage of sound generated by heavy vehicles. Creation of greenbelt in the space between the residences and highways also reduces the noise nuisance. G. Conservation and protection of environment: By now, all of us have realized how important it is to protect the environment for our own survival. The term ‘conservation’ of environment relates to activities which can provide individual or commercial benefits, but at the same time, prevent excessive use leading to environmental damage. Conservation may be distinguished from preservation, which is considered to be â€Å"maintaining of nature as it is, or might have been before the intervention of either human beings or natural forces.† We know that natural resources are getting depleted and environmental problems are increasing. It is, therefore, necessary to conserve and protect our environment. Following practices help in protecting our environment. 1. Rotation of crops. 2. Judicious use of fertilisers, intensive cropping, proper drainage and irrigation. 3. Treatment of sewage, so that it does not pollute the rivers and other water bodies. 4. Composting organic solid waste for use as manure. 5. Planting trees in place of those removed for various purposes. 6. National parks and conservation forests should be established by the government. 7. Harvesting of rain water. Some action points to protect or improve the environment – (i) Dispose the waste after separating them into biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste material. (ii) Start a compost heap or use a compost bin. This can be used to recycle waste food and other biodegradable materials. (iii) Avoid unnecessary or wasteful packaging of products. (iv) Reuse carry bags. (v) Plant trees. They will help to absorb excess carbon dioxide. (vi) Observe World Environment Day on 5th June. (vii) Never put any left over chemicals, used oils down the drain, toilet or dump them on the ground or in water or burn them in the garden. If you do so, it will cause pollution. (viii) Don’t burn any waste, especially plastics, for the smoke may contain polluting gases. (ix) Use unleaded petrol and alternate sources of energy, and keep the engine properly tuned and serviced and the tyres inflated to the right pressure, so that vehicle runs efficiently. (x) Avoid fast starts and sudden braking of automobiles. (xi) Walk or cycle where it is safe to do so – walking is free; cycling can help to keep you fit. (xii) Use public transport wherever you can, or form a car pool for everyday travel. (xiii) Send your waste oil, old batteries and used tyres to a garage for recycling or safe disposal; all these can cause serious pollution. References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Overseas Students Participate in Cultural Activities Essay

Cultural activities are activities where people spend their leisure time attending cultural venues and events. For example, cultural activities include going to art galleries, museums, libraries, operas, concerts and the cinema. People want to get feelings of well-being and gain more knowledge by participating in cultural activities. Participation in cultural activities influences the development of students in many aspects, such as for entertainment and knowledge. The involvement of students in cultural activities can help them develop a well-rounded education. For overseas students in Australia, participating in native cultural activities can also help them reduce culture shock and provide a better way for students to understand more information concerning the history, customs and beliefs in Australia. In a survey concerned with participation in cultural activities among Australian people, it was found that about 85% of the Australian people who aged over 15 years old participated in at least one of cultural activity during the 12 months in 2005-06 (Australian Bureau of Statistics) (ABS) (2007). Going to the cinema was the most popular activity which had the highest percentages at 65% of people. Going to zoological parks and aquariums were the two second most common activities, at 36%; libraries and botanic gardens were at 34% (ABS, 2007). In addition, the same study found that people with higher educational background had considerably higher attendance rates than people with lower educational attainment at art galleries, museums, zoological parks and aquariums, libraries, popular music concerts, other performing arts and the cinema. Moreover, in previous research, it was found that about 25% of respondents went to the library over 20 times during the year. (ABS, 2007). However, little research has been done to compare differences in participation in cultural activities between overseas students in Australia and Australian people. The aim of this research is to find out whether overseas students’ cultural activity behaviors were similar to Australians. Methodology This research was carried out in Navitas English language school on 10th December 2010, and was concerned about the participation in cultural activities of overseas students. Data were collected through questionnaires in the school. The participants consisted of 50 overseas students (25 males and 25 females), who were aged between 18-24 and 25-34, just one person was over 35. The majority of the sample were Chinese; other subjects were from Thailand, Vietnam, Korea, Indonesia, and Japan. The questionnaire, which was administered informally and contained 8 questions, was made up of three sections: demographic information, the type and the frequency of cultural activities. Specifically, 4 questions were developed to record general information; one question was about which cultural activities students participated in; the other 3 items asked about how often students participated in cultural activities per year, involving all cultural activities, going to the library and cinema. The survey was conducted by several groups; each group consisted of 2-3 students. These groups respectively entered different classes to collect data using questionnaires. After collecting this, the data was shared by all groups. Data from questionnaires were then collated and converted to percentages. The results were compared according to gender, education and frequency in graphs.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Differences Between Personnel Management And Hr Management Commerce Essay

In this chapter of the thesis, I will discourse the chief maps of an HR director, Personnel Management, differences between Personnel Management and Human Resource Management like joy analysis, forces planning and recruiting, employee testing and choice every bit good as preparation and development.2.1 Challenges of Personnel ManagementDay to twenty-four hours challenges are faced by Personnel Management. Personnel Management have to cover with a work force that includes struggle between the staff members or sometimes with the direction. Analyzing the statistics of the concern which includes day-to-day analysis of the employees like the absence of employee, predictable market forces that impact on concern results. Changes in engineering, is one of the chief challenges that is included on the top challenges of Personnel Management. Business are trade with limitations which is caused by budget restraints, non holding accomplishments within the work force Personnel direction are responsible for happening out the solution and get the better of this state of affairs. Practical jobs like failure of equipment and machinery can besides take to this job. The direction should maintain be cautious that no employee is idle.2.2 Differences between Personnel Management and HR ManagementThe chief difference between forces direction and human resource direction is: forces direction is the traditional attack and human resource direction is the modern attack towards pull offing employees in an endeavor. We compare personnel direction and human resource direction, forces direction is a preponderantly administrative record-keeping map that establishes and manage just footings and conditions of employment contract, whereas human resource direction integrates the traditional forces direction maps to corporate ends and schemes, and performs extra people centered organisational developmental activities. Significant difference exists between forces direction and human resource direction in footings of range, attack, and application.2.2.1 Differences in ScopeThe range of forces direction includes activities like work force planning, enlisting, occupation rating, occupation analysis, developing disposal, and related undertakings. Human resources direction includes all the above activities and organisational developmental activities like leading, motive, developing organisational civilization, communicating of shared values. The human resource direction attack remains integrated to the company ‘s nucleus scheme, and seek to optimise this usage of human resource for the accomplishing organisational ends. This strategic and doctrine context of human resource direction makes it more purposeful, relevant, and more effectual compared to the forces direction attack.Difference in ApproachPersonnel direction attack tends to attach much importance to norms, imposts and established patterns, where theA HR approachA gives importance to values and mission. Personnel direction attack besides concerns itself with set uping regulations, policies, processs, and contracts, and strives to supervise and implement conformity to such ordinances, with careful word picture of written contract. The human resource direction attack remains impatient with regulations and ordinances, and attempts to loosen up them based on concern demands and exigencies, and purpose to travel by the spirit of the contract instead than the missive of the contract. An illustration of this difference in attack prevarications in the intervention of employee motive. The personnel direction attack holds employee satisfaction as the key to maintaining employees motivated, and institute compensation, fillips, wagess, and work simplification enterprises as possible incentives. The human resource doctrine hold improved public presentation as the driver of employee satisfaction, and invent schemes such as work challenges, squad work, and creativeness to better motive.Difference in NatureAnother dimension of the difference is attack between human resources and forces direction is the nature of human resource direction compared to the nature of forces direction. Personnel direction remains distant from nucleus organisational activities, maps independently, and takes a reactive attack to alterations in corporate ends or scheme. Human resource direction remains incorporate with corporate scheme and takes a proactive attack to aline the work force toward achievement ofA ends. Example, the forces direction attacks concerns itself with public presentation assessment procedure, human resource direction attack has a more comprehensive public presentation direction system that aims to rectify public presentation instead than do a study card of past public presentation.Difference in ApplicationPersonnel direction is an independent staff map in the organisation, with the actions from directors, and no linkage to the organisations core procedure. Human resource direction remains integrated with the organisations core scheme and maps. Though a distinguishable human resource section carries out much of the human resource direction undertakings, human res ource enterprises involve the direction and runing staff strongly. Personnel direction besides strives to accommodate the aspirations and positions of the work force with direction involvement by institutional agencies such as corporate bargaining, trade brotherhood based dialogues and the similar. This leads to arrested development of work conditions applicable for all, and non needfully aligned to overall corporate ends. Human Resource Management gives covering with each employee independently and provides more importance to client developmental activities and easing single employees ( non dickering or negociating with trade brotherhoods ) . Finally, in our treatment of forces direction and human resource direction, we find that forces direction lays down stiff occupation description with many classs and a fixed publicity policy – normally based on senior status and public presentation assessment evaluations. Human resource direction on the other manus has comparatively fewer classs and ranks, with loosely defined occupation duties supplying much range for using creativeness and enterprise, and plentifulness of calling waies, with accomplishments, endowment and committedness the cardinal drivers of calling promotion.2.3 Use of occupation analysis information[ 1 ]This includes several HR direction activities: Recruitment and choice: It has information on human features required to execute activities every bit good as what the occupation intends. This is described by occupation specifications and descriptions and it besides helps the direction to make up one's mind what sort of people they should engage. Compensation: The HR director usage occupation analysis information in order to make up one's mind appropriate compensation ( such as salary and other inducements ) . Compensation of an employee is depend on occupations required accomplishments and instruction degree, the grade of duty every bit good as on other factors which can be assist through occupation analysis. By and large, the employee classs their occupation into categories ( like secretary in grade III ) .Job analysis besides contains information on the comparative worth of each occupation. Performance assessment: This is a procedure through which existent public presentation is compared in relation with his public presentation criterions. With the aid of occupation analysis, directors determine public presentation criterions every bit good as occupation specific activities. Training: The preparation demands of a occupation are by and large mentioned in the occupation description. Detecting unassigned responsibilities: With the aid of occupation analysis, the directors can apportion even assigned responsibilities. For illustration, the company ‘s production director may be responsible for a twelve of responsibilities like production programming, natural stuff buying. Missing, nevertheless, is any mention to pull offing natural stuff stock lists. After diging deeper, one learns that other fabrication people are non responsible for stock list direction. So, the directors teach whom to delegate all those exposed unassigned responsibilities. EEO complains: EEO complains should be considered by HR directors as reflect to the US federal bureaus uniform guidelines on employee choice. For illustration, employers must be able to turn out that the choice standards and occupation public presentation are really related.

Managerial accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Managerial accounting - Essay Example ad mainly formed strategic partnerships with major players in the Chinese dairy, beverage and food industries gaining rights to major Chinese dairy and beverage brands. China was an important market for Group Danone owing to which the company along with Peregrine formed a Singapore registered company to invest in Joint Venture keeping 51% shares while Wahaha and employees had 49% of the shares. However the main motive of the Joint Venture is mentioned below: Yanni Yan (2000) mentions that control is a multidimensional factor which plays an important role in the capacity of a firm to achieve its goals which refers to the process by which one person or group influences to varying degrees, the behavior of another through the use of power and authority. However the main purpose of control and influence in joint ventures is to ensure that the benefits are realized and objectives are achieved. Further it is mentioned by Aimin Yan and Yadong Luo (2001) that the extent of control refers to the degree to which each party in the venture exercises its control in the management of the joint venture. Schaan (Aimin Yan and Yodan Luo, 2001) during his study identified wide range of control mechanisms available to parent firms including the ventures board of directors, formal agreements, appointments of key personnel, planning process, and reporting relationships. It is also further stated that variety of informal mechanisms are also effective for exer cising parent control through setting up integrative structures between the venture and the parent, running training programs for personnel’s and inviting managers to attend the corporate business meetings. It is pertinent to mention that according to a study, higher performance occurred when the multinational parents assumed a more relaxed attitude toward control otherwise in case of tight control by foreign partner; the ventures performance is likely to be suffering (Aimin Yan and Yodan Luo, 2001). However in case of Wahaha and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Mass Media and Its Influence on Public Opinion Essay

Mass Media and Its Influence on Public Opinion - Essay Example This project analyzes how mass media manages to both observe and influence public opinion as it relates to consumer-based and politically-based advertising. Mass Media Industry Social changes occurring across the world have radically changed how information sources are utilized for learning, entertainment, and knowledge-sharing. Social-based technologies, such as MySpace, YouTube and Facebook are now considered to be moving into the social mainstream, thus providing an excellent opportunity for opinion leaders to spread their personalized messages. â€Å"Wherever people are online, they are actively engaged in a wide variety of social media platforms, from blogs to social networking to video sharing† (Smith, 2009, p.559). Social media over the Internet is a significant revolution from traditional information sources such as newspaper and television as it relates to lifestyle and allows for evolution of thought from a variety of demographics. This is why this form of media is b ecoming more and more valuable to opinion leaders as it maintains the ability to reach a wide variety of consumers to present different advertising schemes and concepts. The content of messages now have changed with the use of mass media when considering social media outlets as it no longer has to be targeted to just one specific demographic, such as newspapers like the Wall Street Journal which is targeted to those who invest in stocks and bonds. It can be directed toward a global community, as a means to influence and persuade others to accept a particular advertising message. The electronic format of this type of media also allows for rapid changing of the message by the opinion leaders as a means to shift delivery in the event of changing social needs or beliefs across the world. In order to explore the issue more effectively, one should take into consideration the concepts of advertising in order to better understand the observational methods of those delivering the advertising content over mass media sources and how it manages to influence opinion of the community. Marketers have a strategy to ensure competitiveness of their products and also to maintain a competitive edge over other businesses that sell similar products or concepts and services. This strategy is referred to as positioning, which is â€Å"owning a place in the mind of a consumer. By understanding how a mind works, marketers can use it to their advantage and successfully drive demand for their products† (Trout, 2008, p.2). Marketers understand that there must be some element about their products or advertising strategy that is unique to all other competition and they rely on the ability to persuade consumers to accept and adopt their intended messaging. They do this by relating information to the individual’s lifestyle and then select a particular, very biased message that will be delivered to their specific target group. Now that the fundamentals of advertising messaging ha ve been understand as it relates to changing the mind-set of buyers, it can be explored how observation and influence occur as a product of this advertising strategy. In earlier years, marketers used traditional forms of mass media to deliver a singular, streamlined message that was not easily transformed or updated as it was generally in print. Today, with concentrated growth in the Internet, public opinion leaders can now create new,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Written Assignment #2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Written #2 - Assignment Example Smith did not place a limit to the types of genre of music she played. The genre she used were rock, proto punk, punk rock, art punk and blues rock to compose different songs and relay messages to her targeted audiences. Smith played a number of instruments and this were the vocals, guitars and clarinets. Through her interviews, Smith discussed how her female indemnity affected her career and this is present in her memoir â€Å"Just Kids†. Being a female, she admits to seeing herself as a woman only in context rather than an individual as she was sharing her life with a male partner. She points out she fell when her partner ventured into a new relationship with a different party giving her the need to evaluate herself and accomplishments as a person and not in the shadows of her partner. Smith admits that her freedom came when she decided to become independent as she embraced a positive attitude towards her music career. Moreover, she admits that being a female, she experienced difficulty in convincing other musicians to join her band as the society back then looked down on women (Tarr

Friday, July 26, 2019

Consensual Relationship Agreements Research Paper - 2

Consensual Relationship Agreements - Research Paper Example According to evidence, about 75% of the companies do have the CRA policy about workstation romance. Experts agree that the policy is exceptionally crucial because workplace affairs are inevitable. Discussion This discussion contributes to the controversy on the issue of CRA policy within the work environment. It aims to define CRA and argue for its benefits in the workplace. In addition, it will provide counter argument against CRA use and ethical issues involved in its use, as well as other options apart from CRA that will redress workstation relationships. Benefits of CRA in workplace Workstation affairs are inevitable. Experts agree that when clusters of individuals work together for a week, month or several years, there is bound to develop some form of attraction. Similarly, concerning attraction, it is not a person’s position that put them together, but physical attraction and mutual interests. Employees cannot help who they get attracted to and why. In most cases, it is instant, while, in other cases, it may take some time. The more managers reject office relationships, the more it occurs. Therefore, offices and companies should have CRA policy to guide and direct office relationships at all time, (Pierce, Karl & Brey, 2012). ... The CRA policy keeps office romance under track, prevents favoritism and ensures that the behavior does not infringe or offend other workers in the workplace. The contract does alleviate crude behavior and sexual harassment, instead; it permits individuals who are attracted to each other to develop an affair without guilt, secrets, stress and fear, (Tyler, 2008). The policy is an authentication of their affair being deliberate and consensual, warranting that the relationship statutes do not influence the dynamic of workstation ethical infrastructure. The parties in relationship agree to adhere by the managers’ antidiscrimination, workstation conduct policies and anti- harassment policies. Several employers and workers find that consensual relationship agreement can be advantageous and detrimental in the workstation, influencing personal affairs, workstation infrastructure and profitability. Counter argument Some scholars argue against consensual relationship agreement and stat e that workstation relationships can create various issues that cause poor work performance. Some argue that workers involved in the affairs can be blamed for poor judgments – the ability to make fair, actual, and the better decisions centered on the condition at hand. Similarly, braches of morals refer to infringing the ethical standards or codes of behavior in an organization, which involves but not restricted to, counterfeiting information, interest conflict, sexual harassment, and braking organizational codes of conduct. Productivity lots are a crucial argument against workstation affairs. When workers spend more time concentrating on their romance affairs leaving little time for workplace activities, and thus, minimizing the productivity of workers, (Tyler,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

KL Accountants Business Need for E-Marketing Strategy Essay

KL Accountants Business Need for E-Marketing Strategy - Essay Example Electronic media especially the internet would play a very significant role in building an e-marketing or electronic marketing strategy for KL Accountants Business. In this scenario, the terms e-marketing, or internet marketing or online marketing, are often interchanged, and are frequently used as synonymous. In more simple words, e-marketing is the way of marketing a product, service or good using internet. However, marketing over internet comprises both direct response marketing and indirect marketing components as well as requires using a variety of technologies to establish connection between businesses and their clients. Moreover, the e-marketing involves all the marketing related aspects but it is aimed at attracting new customers, maintaining present business status and developing its product brand individuality. KL Accountants Business Need for E-Marketing Strategy The internet marketing is an emerging trend and a way to accomplish literally millions of people each year. It is at the front position of a redefinition of approach businesses communicate with their clients. Seeing the importance and role of e-marketing in present day business, KL Accountants Business has decided to implement a most modern and effective e-marketing strategy for its business in order to improve its business and corporate working along with operational aspects. Additionally, with the implementation of this e-marketing strategy at KL Accountants Corporation, the business would be able to get huge return on investment (ROI) because this e-marketing strategy will improve the business market value and also support the traditional

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

'Dirty Pretty Things mixes realism and symbolism in a highly effective Essay

'Dirty Pretty Things mixes realism and symbolism in a highly effective way.' Discuss - Essay Example The film explores Londons illness, and takes viewers through several disturbing experiences, but does so without becoming unnecessarily vicious (Sneider, 2003). In this essay the effective use of symbolism and realism in the movie will be examined. Dirty Pretty Things portrayal of life for immigrants in London is revealing in its depiction of inhumanity that happens in big cities in the real world. Yet it conveys this message using symbols and metaphors, without forcing the message on the viewers, but rather allowing events to speak loudly of the harsh reality. It raises significant social problems while presenting a wide range of interdisciplinary allusions along the way. Thus, the explanation for the film’s title is understood in a conversation between two characters. â€Å"The hotel business is about strangers," Sneaky said to Okwe, â€Å"They go to the hotel at night to do dirty things, and in the morning we make it all look pretty again.† (Manitowoc Public Library, 2008) Symbolism can be defined as the utilization of non-direct articulation or a situation where the audience realizes that what the author is expressing and describing is possesses a â€Å"concealed or deeper meaning† (Todeschi, 1995). In The Encyclopedia of Symbolism (1995), Todeschi stresses that symbolism is utilized as an enhancement tool to emphasize the plot of a story. In books and movies, symbolism plays a bigger function in expressing the writer or director’s real meaning and emotions. Many of the characters and objects in the Dirty Pretty Things are symbolic. When symbols or metaphors are present, people often assume complex literary plots or themes. However, in the movie, symbols are evident because of the obvious messages they communicate to the audience. For instance, when the character Okwe is called to clean a toilet in the hotel, he discovers a human heart in it. This is an appalling symbol and

Sports and Society - Examples of Each Category of Violence in Sport Assignment

Sports and Society - Examples of Each Category of Violence in Sport - Assignment Example Players can use body contact during tackling by using the upper body to push and shove opponents during a football game and this can qualify for borderline violence since it is not explicit in its nature. Using the hands to push other players when trying to control the ball. Sometimes, players will go all out and actually, assault another player defiantly qualifies as a brutal body contact. Quasi-criminal violence can come in the form of unprofessional conduct between players and can come in the form of threat, insults or other means that degrade the dignity and honour of a player, players or clubs. Criminal violence is organized violence against a player, group of players or a club where another player, players or club willfully connive to bring harm to the other in order to stop them from performing. (Hechter, 1977) 2. If we want to understand violence in sports, we must understand gender ideology and issues of masculinity in culture. How is masculinity related to violence in sports and how do issues of masculinity take on different meanings among men from different backgrounds? Give examples from the course material and from your own experiences as you discuss this issue. Sports have from time immemorial, been relegated to the domain of men. Aggression, displays of power and dominance, drivenness, and the male physic in all its powerful glory. Any sign of weakness, empathy and kindness were regarded as a sign of weakness. The Greek culture is the one that sport was birthed in and that is why it influenced many sporting worldviews. The Greeks were obsessed with power and its display in all its form for glory’s sake. The Greco-Roman culture idolized war and aggression as an expression of masculinity and this was seen in sports. Sporting events of the medieval times were gory events filled with real-life killings of wild animals and slaves who were called gladiators. The sole purposes of the gladiators were to fight and die in the arena for the sake of glory and entertainment.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Usage of Magic and Supernatural Elements in Childrens Literature Research Paper

Usage of Magic and Supernatural Elements in Childrens Literature - Research Paper Example Women began to slowly make their voices heard as an oppressed gender and philosophers were beginning to gain a greater understanding of the workings of the human mind. The child, often considered either a sinful and wild creature or a miniature adult, was beginning to be recognized as something still developing. There was a â€Å"veritable explosion of information about this period of physiological and cognitive development in human beings† and literature became â€Å"a central vehicle for expressing ideas about the self and its history† (Steedman 5). Although perhaps initially introduced as a means of breaking with the strict moralistic attitudes of the past, the use of magic and the world of the supernatural proved effective in teaching children in a way they could understand. Breaking from the ‘normal’ world with the introduction of the supernatural or the magical realm makes it possible for authors to personify various behaviors, values and character traits and thus give children more accessible avenues to complex concepts in keeping with their varying levels of understanding. Cognitive ability begins with birth, but improves upon skills acquired during the preschool years to apply to things outside of the self. There are four main categories of skills developed during this period (Santrock 1997). The first of these are self help skills in which the child learns to take care of their everyday needs such as dressing themselves. They also learn social help skills in which they begin to perceive the importance of helping others through activities such as household chores and demonstrating their ability to think outside of themselves. School skills are introduced in which the child learns the academic tools necessary for success in that arena, particularly in developing the analytical skills necessary for logic and mathematics. The final main category is play skills, in which the child

Monday, July 22, 2019

Community and Social Benefits Essay Example for Free

Community and Social Benefits Essay The investigation of the reasons by which volunteers involve themselves on specific organizations, and actually stay for a long period of time, or leave groups which they became a part of is the theme of this article. The researcher wanted to provide an explanation that will cover the queries on volunteerism including its effects on the lives of the volunteers, importance in our current society, and the overall impact of these activities in the modern American lives (Strigas, 2006). The general hypothesis of the study is depicted on the title which states that volunteers are offering their free time to specific associations because they believe that such activities will render community and social benefits. The testable and more specific hypothesis, on the other hand, states that volunteers for sport and recreation activities provide their services based on five major motivational factors which include the following: â€Å"social functions for leisure,† â€Å"material,† â€Å"egoistic,† â€Å"purposive factors,† and â€Å"external influences† (Strigas, 2006). In a more formal presentation, the null hypothesis of the study can be presented as ? 1 – ? 2 = 0 where ? 1 comprise the motivational factors of the volunteer that are based on personal needs and interests while ? 2 accounts for the factors that are influenced by social and personal development (Experiment Resources, 2010). In like manner, it can be said that the null hypothesis of the study represents the idea that no relationship exists between personal and societal-based reasons for volunteering. A thorough analysis of the article will reveal that the null hypothesis was actually rejected as shown by the enumeration of evidences that link personal interests of the volunteers and their desire to help the society as some of the factors on why they join various organizations. Furthermore, it was shown that volunteers join organizations because they want to gain self-fulfillment or because they want to win favors from others. The importance of rejecting the null hypothesis (Trochim, 2006) and believing in the original notion that volunteerism is influenced by both personal and societal reasons in order to allow the cohesion of community and society provides framework on the encouragement of volunteerism empowerment in our society today. Consequently, the study emphasizes the importance of testing the hypothesis in order to confirm or disprove the observations of the researcher. Reference Experiment Resources. (2010). The Null hypothesis. Retrieved 03 June 2010, from. http://www. experiment-resources. com Strigas, A. (2006). Research update: making the most of volunteers: a study shows volunteers are giving their time in exchange for community and social benefits. Parks and Recreation. Trochim, W. (2006). Hypotheses. Retrieved 03 June 2010, from http://www. socialresearchmethods. net

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Maintain international peace and security

Maintain international peace and security The United Nations, the UN is an international organization established to maintain and strengthen international peace and security, development cooperation between States. The basis of its activities and structure developed during the Second World War, leading participants-Hitler coalition. The name â€Å"United Nations† was first used in the United Nations Declaration, signed on Jan. 1, 1942. The UN Charter was adopted at the San Francisco Conference, held from April to June 1945 and signed on June 26, 1945 representatives of 51 States. Date of entry into force of the Charter (24 October) is celebrated as United Nations Day. The organization occupies a central place as the chief deliberative, policymaking and representative organ. The General Assembly shall consider the principles of cooperation in the field of international peace and security; elects non-permanent UN Security Council members, members of the Economic and Social Council, on the recommendation of the Security Council appointed UN Secretary-General, in conjunction with the Security Council elects the members of the International Court of Justice, coordinates international cooperation in the economic social, cultural and humanitarian spheres; exercise other powers stipulated in the UN Charter. Security Council. Primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security; its decisions are expected to obey all the UN members. The five permanent Security Council members (Russia, USA, Britain, France and China) have veto power. The Security Council consists of 15 members: five members permanent (USA, UK, France, Russia and China), the remaining ten members (in the terminology of the Constitution â€Å"no standing†) were elected to the Council in accordance with the procedure stipulated by the Charter (paragraph 2 Article 23). Secretariat this is an international staff working institutions around the world and perform a variety of daily activities of the Organization. It serves the other principal organs of the United Nations adopted and implemented their programs and policies. Secretariat units are located at UN Headquarters in New York and elsewhere in the Headquarters of the UN bodies, the largest of which are the United Nations Office at Geneva and Vienna. At the head of the Secretariat is the Secretary-General who is appointed by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council for a term of 5 years, renewable for another term. Currently, there is a gentlemans agreement that a citizen of the country a permanent member of the UN Security Council can not be the UN Secretary General. An important instrument for maintaining international peace and security are the UN peacekeeping operations. Their activity is determined by a number of General Assembly resolutions adopted in accordance with the Charter of the Organization. Implementation of the UN peacekeeping operation can be expressed as: Investigation of incidents and negotiations with the warring parties with a view to reconciliation; Verifying compliance with the ceasefire; Contributing to the maintenance of law and order; The provision of humanitarian assistance; Monitoring the situation. Human rights. On 10 December 1948 UN General Assembly adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and then recommended that all Member States to publish the text of the Declaration by the â€Å"spread, read and expounded principally in schools and other educational institutions, without any distinction based on the political status of countries or territories.† Humanitarian aid. Humanitarian disasters can occur anywhere and at any time. Whatever the cause flood, drought, earthquake or conflict they always lead to deaths, displacement, loss of the ability of communities on their own to ensure their existence and bring immense suffering. In countries which have for a long time been exposed to natural disasters or recovering from conflict, humanitarian aid is increasingly seen as one element of an overall effort to ensure that peace-building, along with the development of political and financial support. Perhaps the most dramatic natural disaster in recent years has caused a tsunami in the Indian Ocean earthquake. Early in the morning Sunday, December 26, 2004, off the west coast of northern Sumatra occurred strong earthquake measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale, which resulted in a huge tsunami, which reached a height of 10 meters and move along the surface of the Indian Ocean at a speed of 500 kilometers per hour. The tsunami hit the coastal areas in India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Maldives, Myanmar, the Seychelles and Somalia. It has been estimated that as of April 2005 more than 217 thousand people died, 51 thousand missing and more than half a million people homeless. Organization of the United Nations began to take measures immediately, trying to satisfy a range of humanitarian needs, including in areas such as agriculture, coordination and support services, economic recovery and infrastructure, education, family housing and consumer goods, food, health , measures related to mine clearance, protection of human rights and the rule of law, security and water and sanitation. For this purpose, 5 January 2005 was made â€Å"urgent appeal† to the mobilization of 977 million dollars to fund critical of relief efforts undertaken by some 40 United Nations agencies and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). However, despite its uniqueness, the UN has been discredited by failings and scandals. The organization has demonstrated that it is not always able to promptly adapt to rapidly changing global political realities. In this regard, the UN is often criticized for its inefficiency, undemocratic, the lack of attention to the problems of developing countries, bureaucracy, overstaffing and excessive budget.On behalf of the UN have also been linked, and some high-profile financial scandals. In one of them, the Program for Iraq â€Å"Oil for Food program, was involved even Kojo Annan (Kofi Annans son). American Commission of Inquiry program of assistance to Saddams Iraq Oil for Food has revealed the involvement of UN officials for corruption by the regime of Saddam Hussein. In addition, the number of peacekeepers and employees were indicted for sexual crimes against refugees. According to RBC daily interviewed experts inflation scandals plaguing the UN is being targeted, and above all they a re interested in the U.S. who do not want to reckon with the UN as an independent player in the international arena. Therefore, Washington was determined to discredit the organization. The new regulations the UN is an attempt to keep the organization itself and restore its shaken credibility in the world. However, it is unlikely to lead to desired results: in its current form, this organization is not able to solve the tasks assigned to it. All in all, despite the scandals and disadvantages, it can be said that the United Nations is an effective institution, which has been proven many times by its actions. The organization has many goals for the sake of the society all over the world, among them are: To maintain international peace and security and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to peace and suppress acts of aggression or other breaches of peace and by peaceful means in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment and settlement of international disputes or situations which may lead to a breach of peace; To develop friendly relations from nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace; To achieve international cooperation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural or humanitarian character and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms to all, without distinction of race, sex, language or religion, and To be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations and the achievement of common goals.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Wireless Sensing and Control of a Dam

Wireless Sensing and Control of a Dam Introduction CE 1.1 I did this project as a graduate Electrical Engineering while pursuing my Bachelor of Engineering in the field of Electrical Engineering from Balochistan University of Engineering and Technology, Balochistan. I wanted to conduct a project that would envelop wireless sensing and thus wanted to learn about different electrical activities that would be needed and thus learn about its design and how to implement it. I was able to improve my written and oral presentation skills as well as my interpersonal skills by the successful completion of this project. Background CE 1.2 For my final project as an undergraduate in electrical engineering, I wanted to start working on a project in my second year itself. I wanted to learn about the different and commonly used electrical/electronic components, the working mechanism and the implementation in complex projects. This motivated me to conduct a project that could control a mechanism remotely. And thus I got the idea of wireless sensing of a dam. I had studied during my bachelors that sensing in the Oil and Gas industry is becoming very important. I had learned that regular sensing of data is required that are extracted from the process execution, such as Oil Reservoir Tanks need a pressure breathe valve control and level sensing for the proper daily operations of their machinery, Thus, I concurred that in Water Reservoir Dams where regular recording of water level is required for accurate discharging of water through channels. And it is due to this reason that I selected the Wireless Sensing Control of Dam for my project. CE 1.3 The objective of my project is to design a system, which can sense level, and flow rate of a water reservoir dam, it can also control the channel gates wirelessly. CE 1.4 CE 1.5 I successfully completed this project by engaging in the following activities: For the purpose of Level sensing, I used a small tank for the implementation and presentation of the prototype. The maximum height of the tank to be measured is 16 inches and the minimum height is 8 inches. For channel gate controlling, I used a system that contains a solenoid valve which is an electromechanically operated valve for the flow of water to be switched on or off. For wireless control, I equipped the remote stations with sensors as well as a wireless module to send and receive the information. The range of the wireless module is limited to 10m. I equipped the base station with a GUI software that is user-friendly. I then mechanically designed the sensor to operate in all weather conditions. I completed the project within the time frame specified by the university. I conducted detailed literature review on all the components used here. Personal Engineering Activity CE 1.6 I approached a senior professor with an idea of conducting a project with wireless sensing. Along with my group members, I had a lot of brainstorming sessions and review meetings with my project supervisor to select a suitable topic. I suggested that I work on a project that was concerned with designing and manufacturing a system based on wireless sensing and regulating the process of water present in the dam and the supervisor agreed to this and asked us to begin working on this by first conducting a literature review on all the components we would require and the working of this project and to start working on this project. CE 1.7 I used the following components in this project and have explained the reasons why: For level sensing, I equipped my system with MAXBOTIX LV-EZ1 ultrasonic transducer that transmit and receive the ultrasonic radiations that are being reflected back from the surface of the liquid. I selected this model because it is a very low cost sonar ranger; it is also reliable and could be triggered internally or externally. To release water in the channel, I used a solenoid valve which was the only option I had. The microcontroller that I used in the remote station is ATmega16A. I selected this microcontroller because it is a low power 8-bit microcontroller allowing me to optimize power consumption against processing speed. The signal is then transmitted to the RN-41N CLASS 1 Bluetooth module to be transmitted wirelessly. I selected this model because it is cheap and relatively easy to operate. I used a DC power supply of 3-3.6V. The computer interface controller is equipped with MAX232 for serial communication and an internal Bluetooth device which is installed in the laptop for wireless communication. I used the MAX232 circuit because it is a dual driver/receiver and I found that it is valuable for implementing RS-232 in devices that generally dont bother with any voltages outside the 0 V to + 5 V extend, as power supply design does not need to be made more confused only to drive the RS-232 in this situation. I used the Development board called AVR-P-40 which supports Atmel ATmega16A controller. It is compatible with ICSP 52 pin connector for in-circuit programming. I used ULN 2003 Darlington arrays to withstand peak currents of 600mA. I designed the Graphical User Interface (GUI) using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 with C # for user interface. I selected an aquarium shape tank for the project. However, this alternative was very difficult and also had some problems because it was quite complex to put the ultrasonic level sensor inside the tank and calibrate it. Thus, I came across with the development of another mechanical design and observed that there was an apparatus present in the laboratory of the civil engineering department that would work as a prototype of a dam. The working of this prototype would be: The data from the remote station is received by the base station. The base station consists of a wireless Bluetooth receiver and a computer interface controller. The wireless Bluetooth receiver will detect the data coming from the remote station which is treated to the computer interface controller. The computer interface controller will save the data to a flash drive and also to a computer which can be analyzed using a Graphical User Interface (GUI) The data coming from the remote station is detected by the wireless receiver which is treated to the noise filter circuit to eliminate noise from the signal. The data decoder decodes the incoming data and removes any errors from this data. This information is send to the computer interface controller. The remote station is consisting of two major parts: The Main board and wireless controller.ÂÂ   The sensor attached to the main board is Ultrasonic level Sensor. This sensor will relay the information to the main board and is used to control all the sensor information which will be transferred to the wireless controller to send the data wirelessly to the base station. The data from the sensor is directly sent to the microcontroller which is being processed by it to be transmitted in the form of digital bits. The ULN 2003 is connected to drive the solenoid valve which is normally closed. If the Level increases from its threshold level, the solenoid valve will open automatically and releases the pressure. When the pressure drops back to the threshold, the valve will be closed automatically. The power to all the circuit is connected to the +12 volt DC. After the data is sensed by the sensor, it will be transmitted through a wireless transceiver operating at frequency 2400 MHz. The wireless controller consists of transmitter, power amplifier, control signal receiver and data encoder. The data coming from the sensor is treated to the data encoder and sent to the transmitter. The control signal receiver also operates at 2400 MHz which is used to activate the data encoder to send data to the transmitter module. The power amplifier is used to support larger coverage by increasing the transmitting power CE 1.8 The problems I encountered during this project were: I had difficulty with the lengthy procedure to record data which is significant for the project. I offered the idea of installing a dot-matrix printer which will give readings in a hard copy regarding the inflow, discharge and temperature of water. For the project to run effectively, constant data recording was needed, which was a complex task. I came up with a key to solve this issue by recording the data in a flash memory which has the ability to save standard information of the parameters in a soft copy and will be accessible anytime, anywhere. I had problems to check the level of water density in concern with the threshold level. It was quiet a risky task to open the regulator when the density of water is high. In order to resolve this problem, I suggested the management with the system design that will operate the channel gate regulator automatically without labor involvement in order to avoid the risk element. Summary CE 1.9 I successfully completed the project titled Wireless Sensing and Control of a Dam along with my team members. I learned how to wirelessly sense and control a prototype of a dam and studied and learned about all the electrical/electronic equipment that I used in this project. I completed this project by taking the help of the Civil Engineering Laboratory and the technicians in the lab. I was able to improve my written, oral and interpersonal skills.

“Psychosis and delusional states and their relationship with normal ano

According the fourth edition diagnostic manual of mental disorders (American Psychiatric Association, 2000), the category psychotic disorders (Psychosis) include Schizophrenia, paranoid (Delusional), disorganized, catatonic, undifferentiated, residual type. Other clinical types include Schizoaffective Disorder, Bipolar Affective Disorder/Manic depression, mania, Psychotic depression, delusional (paranoid) disorders. These are mental disorders in which the thoughts, affective response or ability to recognize reality, and ability to communicate and relate to others are sufficiently impaired to interfere grossly with the capacity to deal with reality; the classical and general characteristics of psychosis are impaired reality testing, hallucinations, delusions, and illusions. Mostly, these are used as defining features of psychosis even if there are other psychotic symptoms that characterise these disorders (L. Bortolotti, 2009). Delusion and hallucination in their different forms are the major symptom of psychotic disorders. There is a growing evidence however that these symptoms are not exclusively pathological in nature. The evidences show that both delusion and hallucination occur in a variety of forms in the general population. This paper presents and analyzes the relationship between the above major psychotic symptoms with normal anomalous experiences that resembles these symptoms in the normal population. Delusions are a symptom of psychiatric disorders such as dementia and schizophrenia, and they also characterize delusional disorders. Delusion is defined as a false belief based on incorrect inference about external reality that is firmly sustained despite what almost everyone else believes and despite what constitut... ...inds of individuals join such organizations, and can they be differentiated from people diagnosed with a psychotic disorder (Bhugra, 1996)?† These results support previous findings on two levels. First, they support the notion that there is a continuity of function between normality and psychosis, with `normal’ individuals (both non-religious and religious) being at one end of the continuum, the deluded individuals at the other extreme, and members of NRMs at the intersection. Indeed, even this classification is over-simplified, as is illustrated by the overlapping range of scores between the four groups. Second, it confirms the multidimensionality of delusional beliefs, since the NRMs and the deluded groups could be differentiated by their scores on the Distress and Preoccupation dimensions, but not on the Conviction dimension (McKenna and Orbach, 1999).

Friday, July 19, 2019

How typical are The signalman by Charles Dickens, The monkeys paw Essay

How typical are The signalman by Charles Dickens, The monkeys paw by W.W Jacobs and The red room by H.G Wells of the gothic genre? Gothic stories were written in the middle of the eightieth century these include ‘Frankenstein’ written by Mary Shelley and ‘Jane Eyre’ written by Charlotte Bronte. Other gothic stories also include ‘The Signalman’ by Charles Dickens, ‘The Monkeys Paw’ by W.W Jacobs and ‘The red room’ written by H.G wells. Gothic stories were started by Horace Walpole who wrote ‘The castle of otranto’ in 1765. Gothic stories tend to include the supernatural, isolated places such as derelict houses and castles also in graveyards this is so the setting and atmosphere will be eerie and spooky also gothic stories will contain some sort of death or ghosts. For example in ‘The Signalman’ there is a ghost, it is set in an isolated place and it makes the plot mysterious. One of the ways what gothic stories are written is in short stories. The first short story is ‘The signalman’ by Charles Dickens. The story begins with the narrator who is standing at the top of a hill calling down to the signalman. The narrator then approaches the signalman and thinks that he may be a ghost. â€Å"This was a spirit, not a man.† The word ‘spirit’ suggests that the signalman may be supernatural. This is ironic because the signalman thinks that the narrator is a ghost as does the narrator think the signalman is a ghost. The signalman invites the narrator into his box because he realised that he wasn’t a ghost and they talked after a while the narrator left the signalman and returned the next day. â€Å"†¦turned his face towards the little bell when it did not ring, opened the door of the hut and looked out towards the red ligh... ... him and Herbert dies so it brings the genre of death and ghosts into the story. The setting and atmosphere of ‘The Monkeys Paw’ is of a gothic genre because the house is set in the middle of nowhere and it is lighted by candles and a log fire that will create dark shadows. â€Å"The candle end, which had burned below the rim of the china candlestick, was throwing pulsating shadows on the ceiling and wall†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This quote is typical of the gothic genre because it tells us that the house is shadowed and it is candle lit so it will cause areas of the house to remain in darkness. In conclusion ‘The Monkeys Paw’ is typical of the gothic genre because it does contain a sense of supernatural because the paw grants wishes and it made the son come alive again so this is also suggests ghosts. This can be also linked to the mystery of the paw and the thing at the door.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Global Culture Essay

As time progresses, the world, in terms of business is rather contracting. There is growing communication, interaction and exchange between different parts of the world. Technologies that were once thought of as a far sighted notion are now being using like household commodities and communication mediums that were once considered luxuries available to few are now a necessities needed to prosper. The world is becoming more integrated by the day and countries are becoming more and more dependent on one another in terms of trade and business. This paper focus on how the culture and environment that a business operates in affects the organization. It will outline some constraints and will generally give a picture of how to cope with changing cultures as in today’s expanding work environments it is vital to understand the attitudes, values, perceptions of the regions. Also, the role of media and politics would be discussed. Discussion: It is now a well known and widespread phenomenon that the world is a ‘global village’. This means that globalization has taken its toll and the entire world is somewhat a unified society or community that needs to interact in order to get on. But what exactly is Globalization? Globalization is basically the term used to describe the integration of economic, political and . it refers to the greater freedom of movements of goods, capital and people around the world. this shrinking of the world is having a major impact on business activity especially from multi-nationals which are the business organizations that have their headquarters in one country but operating branches, factories and assembly plants in others. In recent years there have been moves to reduce the number and level of trade restrictions that limited the trade between countries. The free trade movement and the aid of information technology are reducing the differences that once existed between national markets, reducing the importance of national borders and making it easier for firms to trade with and locate in many countries. This is forcing firms, which were once protected by national governments to become internationally competitive (Stimpson, 2002). Globalization integrates people, companies and governments and effects the environment, culture and political systems as well as economic development and human physical well-being in societies all around the world. The focus here, however, is on how the culture of a society or region shapes the operations of multi-nations and globalization as a whole. Culture, most simply described, is the behaviors, beliefs, values, underlying assumptions and perceptions shared by a group of people with respect to their environment and societies. Many characteristics of human life are transmitted genetically, they are innate and are naturally present and then there are other qualities that are learned. Culture is the name for the body of learned behaviors common to a society that form as a template for shaping behavior, manners and conduct from generation to generation. Culture exists in businesses as well, it is the attitudes and behaviors that employees of an organization embrace as an affect of their working environment. Working culture of an organization has a great impact over how workers feel, behave and work. Hence, national culture similar to corporate culture is the values and attitudes shared by individuals from a specific country that shape their behavior and their beliefs about what is important. Culture has the characteristic of being learned as well as taught. Culture is something that evolves and is in a constant state of change. The basic indicators and manipulators of culture are the values, customs and beliefs that rest in the society. These factors carry on for generations and are manifested in individuals as they live according to the routine of their environment. Culture has a direct and deep association with these features as these values and customs are what combine together and form the basis of culture. Ethnocentricity is a dilemma faced by many societies when dealing with different regions and areas. Ethnocentrisms are the conviction that one has that his or her culture or ethnicity is most superior. Ethnocentricity is the belief that some people have which makes them consider other cultures with respect to their own and manifests a superiority which is indicated through their behavior and attitudes towards other cultures. It is noted that cultural ethnocentrism is becoming prominent and is one of the stronger motivators of people pulling away from other economies. Ethnocentricity has rather negative impacts on multi national companies, as it causes consumers to distrust the international brands which adversely affect the consumer purchasing behavior. Cultural openness and demographic variables are factors that affect the ethnocentrism that persists in a society. Companies can remove these barriers through promoting awareness of their brand as well as educating and informing people about internationalization of businesses. Maintaining a positive approach is a key to attracting ethnocentric societies. Also, by targeting markets considering their age, gender and their cultural background shows apathy and reduces ethnocentric behaviors. For a firm to operate internationally, it needs strategies that would help it create a market outside the home country. In order to create an awareness or better described as a competitive advantage, businesses need effective global strategies. Global strategies can take the form of reducing costs and increasing efficiency, taking risks, or creating brand identification and reputation. Whichever the strategy chosen, it is very important to understand the local cultures and environment before entering a market. Strategies can be of numerous forms but branding is considered as most efficient when it comes to entering a completely new market. Brand strategy focuses on influencing the perceptions of people in a way that they persuaded to act in a certain manner. In today’s highly competitive and expanding business markets, it is necessary to create a positive and lasting impression on the consumers through branding. When entering a new market, a company needs to analyze the culture of the region and adapt to it in a manner that it does not seem awkward or unnatural to the consumers. A global brand needs to pertain a relevant meaning and significance to people across multiple societies, the strategy needs to be diverse and devised in a fashion that blends well with the people, their experience and the society. Different societies have different mind frames, values and in simple words, a different culture as a whole. For example, animals such as a horse is recognized all over the world but it is perceived differently, in some societies it may be considered as a mode of transport, in some, a gambling opportunity while in some, it symbolizes independence. These differences must be acknowledged when formulating strategies. Cultural conventions determine how people in a society interact with each other, what their beliefs are, and what meanings do they attach to their representations. Cultures develop through experience and learning, they are not static (Baker, 2001). Strategies must be aware and on a look out of these cultural shifts that may create a booming opportunity to replace something that is losing its value. Therefore, Companies can follow their regular patterns of strategy formulation which integrates its overall objectives with its marketing and financial counterparts but when looking for a new market in a new region, the first consideration must be the analysis of the local market trends, customs, traditions and adopt these within the strategy. In general, a company must be aware of the societal beliefs and stand points of the cultural areas that it is catering to. No aspect of the product, branding or the company policies must collide with the cultures. Every culture is dissimilar to another and so are its values and characteristics. The concepts and perceptions towards the routine items such as leisure, work, family structures and religion are separate in every society or culture and may be at different priority levels. A culture that is based to moral values of responsibilities and independence may have more influence on working and exerting. While a culture that does not ingrain a sense of self-sufficiency may promote a lifestyle of leisure and relaxation. Family structures also differ, so do religious beliefs. These two factors are most important when framing a culture as they define the mode of life and the code of conduct of people that follow it. Therefore, different religions may impose different conditions and these conditions, with the passage of time, become a part of the society and culture. Communication is generally the sharing of information between two or more individuals or groups to reach a common understanding (Jones & George, 2007). Good communication is necessary for an organization to gain a competitive advantage. Good communication, within an organization, is vital for managers to learn about new technologies, implement them in their organization and train workers in how to use them. Culture plays a central role in the communication process. Perception, which is the process through which people select, organize, and interpret sensory input to give meaning and order to the world around them, affects the meaning of the message. Perceptual biases can hamper a company and its communication just like ethnocentricity. Perceptual biases pertaining in a culture can use information about the company in a way that could create inaccurate perceptions and thus have a negative effect. Communication is basic way through which a business can promote itself and its product across borders and so it is very important that this be done in the most efficient manner without causing and negative impact upon the consumers. Thorough analysis of culture is essential in order to for communication to be well understood in the way intended. For example, the details written on a product may have to be translated into the local language. Also, non-verbal messages such as images may have a different meaning from culture to culture and if not properly surveyed may end up displaying the wrong meaning and impression.

Agencies: Government and Private Adoption Agency

Describe a social insurance insurance policy that may affect your future bureau as a human function worker. Compare and contrast how a popular versus a private organization office address this policy distinctly. Include an business relationship of how the delivery system of a lead-supported organization would be different than that of a private organization. For example, what would be some differences between a state-funded child placement way of life and a private credence power in regard to how they deliver their betrothal services? Consider how you could influence this policy to insure your clients needs.If you work for a presidential term organization, you may not be adequate to lobby, further what some other ways could you embolden for your client population? Respond in 200 to 300 words. A state funded child placement agency is different because they do not have an lengthy background. The place child in reach of multitude who are willing to eliminate th eir home to the child. Whereas a private adoption agency, at that place is a waiting tip and in that respect is extensive backgrounds checks to aim trustworthy these are the right couples, and they have passable m superstary to afford the adoption, and what jobs they have, and if they will be able to spend the time with the child. on that point is so much more convoluted in a private adoption agency. They do not just hold children to anyone. It costs. It would be hard for me as a social worker if I was act to locate a family for an individual, and they did not qualify, but were perfect people. I could try to go above for these people and address them to the high ups to see what we bottomland do to offer help to these people. If I was working for a government agency it might be a undersize harder to lobby. Though there are ways that I can help is by offering solutions on how to range approved to become parents and adopt. head-to-head agencies may be profit or nonprofit a gencies, but have to meet a certain criteria and the management is under(a) pressure to keep costs down. prevalent are sometimes based on donations and help with the community, and are a little bit poorer. Both private and everyday are trying to help people in many ways, and are there to try to give to the community, though one is a little more famed, and the other is low income that are trying to make a difference. It is easier to get into the public organizations and harder to get into the private ones.